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Meet Henry the Donkey

As the funds from The Sploogies are due to arrive, and I've already planted the trees (I can almost hear them growing), I thought to myself, what better way to spend a bit more than to adopt a donkey!

So, on behalf of everybody that backed the Sploogies, whether they wanted it or not, I have adopted Henry the Donkey for a year. Many things have led to Henry: first of all, he lives in Manchester, so he's in good company, surrounded by good people. I might even visit him at one point. Secondly, he was born in 2008, so we should be about the same age mentally. I'm sure we'll get along just fine.

Here's what the caretakers at The Donkey Sanctuary, Henry's home, have to say about him:

Sweet-natured Henry is a kind and loving donkey who is sure to make you smile. He has problems with his sight and has done amazingly well to adapt to finding his way around. He’s always listening out for the voices of his loving grooms and seeking the company of his good friends.
At night, he will only settle down once he has had a goodnight cuddle with the sanctuary warden.

So, without any further ado, here's Henry!


Now that I've got you in the mood for donkey, check out this story of the stolen donkey.


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