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The Wonder Bundle

The Onward Path is ready to ship to all my Kickstarter backers. This is how everything looks like put together: the two booklets, the tokens and the paper envelopes for The Garden of the Moon.

I can't wait for that hundred people to put their hands on these nice little booklets, feel that smooth, crunchy texture, let the moon and the sun quietly rise from the paper, and drift away with the story, following the whims of the dice. In fact, that's exactly what I told them.


Incidentally, it's been three months since this website is active (3 months and four days to be more precise); and all in all, I couldn't have wished for a better hobby.

These three months have been quite a productive and enthusiastic period, as well as one of experimenting with different ideas, old and new, and learning almost everything as I go along. It's amazing when I think how young thing project actually is. Yet I have managed to complete two Kickstarter campaigns and a few more free side projects.

As for the future, I have already stopped pretending to have the slightest idea of what it holds. In these three months, my plans have changed more often than the weather. And that's good. So, the only thing that's safe to say about the future is, "let the experiments continue".

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